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igus® do Brasil Ltda

Rua Antônio Christi, Nº 611

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E4.1 system assembly instructions

E4.1 Assembly - joining two individual meter sections
E4.1 - Replacing an individual chain link in an assembled energy chain


System E4.1 assembly Remove the crossbars from the first three links and then join the two ends together.
System E4.1 assembly Install the crossbars - press and lever them in with a screwdriver
E4.1 system assembly Energy tube: mount lids/bottoms - attach them at an angle and snap them into place.


E4.1 system assembly Prise the crossbars open with a screwdriver.
E4.1 system assembly Remove the outer links by moving them to the side.
E4.1 system assembly Pull the chain links apart and separate them.